The third installment of the creative event formerly entitled Dada Motel. June 18-21. Thurs. thru Sunday, 2009. Reno, Nevada.
I'm coming!
Hey there, thanks Dean for getting me on here...I was putting it off until I could get a new pic. Can you change the spelling on my name?Thanks,Adrian
Adriando you have a website or pics online I can link to?
Thanks for your hard work Dean. Still working on a photo. Here are my links so far, is this where you want them?
haha, love those snowflakes! Better than no pic...thanks Dean for your work here, looking good! wooohooo, time to party.
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I'm coming!
Hey there, thanks Dean for getting me on here...I was putting it off until I could get a new pic. Can you change the spelling on my name?
do you have a website or pics online I can link to?
Thanks for your hard work Dean. Still working on a photo. Here are my links so far, is this where you want them?
haha, love those snowflakes! Better than no pic...thanks Dean for your work here, looking good! wooohooo, time to party.
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